Grey-Hound Inc
Grey's Oc Lore
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The Basics:
In this universe there exists magic, ceated and supplied by what we call Divines, There are four in total,
Monumous: The divine of heat
Tarrmara: The divine of nature
Louendic: The Divine of Freezing temperatures
and Mareielle: The divine of the sea
Each divine represents a Region and a set of magic, this allows the energies to mix and create a range of powers people can develop.
e.g, Tarrmara, Monumous and Mareielle's energy combining, creating the possibility of poison gas as a power)
Divines are animalistic creatures which have existed since the beggining of time, they represent the aspects needed to create a sustainable ecosystem.
they currently reside in Ruins which have been sealed to protect them from the mortal realm.
Tarrmara resides in a temple nearring the edge of the Eastern region.
Monumous resides inside the volacano within the southern region. (Mt. Monumous)
Louendic resides in ancient ruins located in the mountains of the northern region.
Mareielle resides in an under water temple locted in the Tropical region near the Archipelago

“I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world.” - Albert Caumus

Runes: Runes are an old form of writing that the ancient civilizations used, it is sometimes still used in modern day for architecture and literature.

God sigils: Sigils are symbols assigned to a certain god to identify items and places. They are most commonly used to mark temples dedicated to worship, statues or weapons. Many items like necklaces and earrings are also made so people can carry their gods sigil at all times.
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Northern region (Tundra):
This region is made up of primarily plains and mountain ranges, this Region also has the coldest climate.
Southern region (Hot lands)
This region is almost completely flat lands, partially desert, this is the Hottest region and is connected to the Volcano making lava rivers and polls form.
Western region (Jungle)
This region is Humid and full of vegetation, is usually quite hot and gets frequent rain and extremely hard to navigate.
Tropical region (Islands)
The tropical region is off the coast of the southern region, its divided by and ocean and split into one main island and an archipelago. This region is quite humid and warm.
Intro to Gods
Gods are people who work under the divines.
they control specific aspects of the world and regulate them.
e.g, the god of death regulating the population and making sure it doesnt get overpopulated
The first gods created are called the Overseers (Zaikon/Kaion). The Overseers where created by the divines to control the worlds creatures and environment.
They are the gods of Destruction and Creation, they create landforms, and cause natural disasters.
The Overseers are in charge of 8 other gods of their choice to control certain tasks. These 8 gods are separated into two groups of 4, malevolent and benevolent.
The two groups tasks mirror each other in order to create balance in the world. (e.g god of life mirrors the god of death)
Major gods:
Major gods are the god of Death and the Goddess of Life, they are the building blocks for the Minor gods to work off of.
Minor Gods
Minor gods are the remaining 6 gods who work off of the major gods
Demi gods are the first born child of any god
How do gods function
The Major and Minor gods all began as mortals, for one to become a god you must make a deal or be blessed by an Overseer
Gods, Demi gods And their Titles
Malevolent Gods:
Zaikon - Destruction
Morospiris (Ghost) - Death, Cannibalism, Karma
Chaospiris (Whisp) - Chaos, Corruption, Disease
Voluallora (Kalia) - Lust, Plots, Murder
Archapeatre (Atlanta) - Lies, Secrets, Nightmares
Benevolent Gods:
Kaion - Creation
Arachenes (Jaida) - Life, Time, Reality
Rhymous (Dj) - Rhythm, Correction, cure
Amorosa (Akane) - Love, Fertility, Peace
Desmion (Xio) - Truth, Dreams, Hope
both benevolant and Melevolant
Archaous (Aldrich) - Empires, Diligence, Prosperity
Kisho - Hypnosis, Decay
Alpha - Resurrection, Sacrifice
Valkyrie - Beauty, Temptation
Theo -The Inbetween, spirits
Warlock - War, Power

“We fear death, we shudder at life’s instability, we grieve to see the flowers wilt, and the leaves fall, in our hearts, we know that we, too, are transitory and will soon disappear. Artists create pictures, thinkers search for laws and formulate thoughts, it is to salvage something from the great dance of death, an attempt to make something last longer than we do.”
-Hermann Hesse.